Following the adventures of Booster Gold
Random Blurb of the Moment: Thanks to the webmaster of for linking me!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I've been SO busy lately - - interviewing for and getting a new job and adjusting to that, plus finding a new place to live... it has been H-E-C-T-I-C. The good news is that there is a comic shop just a few blocks from where I'll be working, so you can't go wrong there!

Nonetheless, I have FINALLY gotten around to buying JL:GL 6 and 7, BG35, and Time Masters 1. After reading, TM1 will go into my frame that includes BG V1 #1, V2 #1, and JLGL #1. Nothing but the best for Buster. Booster.

Just wanted to mention about JL:GL 6 - HOLY CRAP. Way to up the ante! This is a grand-scale context that the story needs, and Power Girl was especially disturbing. So many more questions to ask after that.

Sometimes stories like in 6 can be frustrating and lead to what I call the Dragon Ball Z effect. See, my brother LOVED that show, but I never saw the appeal. I watched with him one day as two characters were "powering up" for battle. The entire episode consisted of their thoughts and flashbacks and by the end, neither of them moved a muscle. Other times, the stories can really reveal key information and make it worthwhile, and today's was definitely that.

But didn't Captain Atom blow up a second time in this story arc? I can't recall, but I'm pretty sure. I wonder if we'll get more flash back/forward things. I'm so intrigued and VERY pleased with the direction of this story.

Anyway, reading 7 now and will be on to the others soon.