Following the adventures of Booster Gold
Random Blurb of the Moment: Thanks to the webmaster of for linking me!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Comic Book Day!

Grabbed the new JL:GL today; review up soon.

I didn't feel like springing $7.99 for the One-In-Ten cover, which in a lot of ways I prefer to the other cover. That said, the common one appears to be improved from the last despite a few character inaccuracies yet again. I'm getting ahead of myself, though.

I'm finding this to be a lot of fun so far, and if I can get my hands on Time Masters #1 once it comes out (I WILL get my hands on it), I'll probably go through that miniseries as well.

Having reflected, I'm pretty happy with the direction that Booster is going, and the first issue of this new series really exceeded expectations. Here's hoping it holds up!

Also, a question for anyone reading this: I was re-reading the "Day of Death" story arc in Booster Gold and realized that the Black Beetle storyline is just hanging there. Will Dan hit on it in Time Masters? Will Bwa-ha and Ha-ha resolve it in their books? He was around for too much of the run to go away. Perhaps I'd know more if it was July and we had Time Masters!


  1. To the best of my knowledge Dan has no plans to include Black Beetle. He's never mentioned him in the interviews for Time Masters. He's mainly mentioned how we'll get to see Rips' POV and how he sees Booster.

  2. I'd hate to see that guy go away. He's just hanging there fairly mysteriously.
