Following the adventures of Booster Gold
Random Blurb of the Moment: Thanks to the webmaster of for linking me!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Booster's Schedule // Small Tweaks

This is going to be a GREAT month for Booster Gold. Next week, we have both BG#34 and JL:GL 5 to look forward to. In the first, Booster will continue his trip back to the JLI - I'm sure we'll finally get Booster and Beetle together this time! In the second, we're sure to find some more intrigue in the wake of Max's reveal.

Then, we don't have to take a week off - Time Masters: Vanishing Point begins. This will kick off a 6-month cycle wherein we will have 4 Booster appearances each month, guaranteed. Craziness!

The following week is, of course JL:GL 6.

Finally, I'm making some minor tweaks - mainly, I'm making it so that the two most recent posts will display on this main page of the blog.

Otherwise, enjoy! I know at least the guy from Boosteriffic is reading, I hope others are as well. Feel free to comment or e-mail, I do my best to respond to all.

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